Squad Wiki

Spawning is how players are able to start playing the game. It is recommended that a player first joins or creates a squad before spawning in.

How to spawn[ | ]

After joining a team and squad, a player should spawn with their squad mates. Look for your squad mates on the map and locate a spawn point close to them. If there is no spawn point near your squad, it's recommended to ask your Squad Leader where to spawn.

Spawn screen

To spawn, select the spawnpoint of your choice on the spawn screen with the Left-Mouse-Button and hit Spawn. Enter on your keyboard again (or just double-click) – this will spawn you into the game. To de-select a spawnpoint, just click anywhere on the map.

There might be several reasons that prevent you from spawning right away.

  • You have not selected a spawn point on the map.
  • After you previously died and depending on your selected spawn location, there may be a spawn timer at the bottom right-hand corner which needs to expire before you can spawn.
  • In some game modes, you cannot spawn within a certain period of time at the start of a new match – a pre-round timer will count down until you are allowed to spawn.
  • If you are currently in the incapacitated state, you need to click GIVE UP before you can respawn (see: Health Management). It is highly recommended you wait for a medic to revive you instead of quickly giving up.
  • A Spawn Bunker is current being blocked.

Make sure you have read about the different types of Spawn Points. It is also recommended to join an existing squad before spawning – this will provide you more spawn options. The spawn screen is a very important tool for you, which you will often use in-game. So let's explain its different parts and functions in more detail.

Respawning[ | ]

When players' health point is reduced to zero due to various reasons, such as wounded by enemy fire or bleeding out from artillery shrapenals and so on, they are in the Incapacitated state. Players are unable to move, and the screen is very dark and fixed into one direction; however, one can still use radio or local voice comms to direct a nearby teammate to your location.

During the Incapacitated states, the player can wait for a teammate to revive via field dressing, or choose 'GIVE UP' to return to the respawn screen. The respawn timer will prevent your next respawn even if you select 'GIVE UP', while time spent in the incapacitated state will reduce the respawn timer.

As of V1.0, the standard respawn timer for FOB is 45 seconds, starting when the player enters the Incapacitated state. This time is guaranteed. Thus, it's generally pointless to 'GIVE UP' early. The player should choose to stay in the incapacitated state and provide intelligence to nearby teammates unless you needs to spend time in the respawn screen for planning or return to the Main Base, for which the timer only requires 25 seconds.

The Rally point uses a separate wave respawn system.

To respawn manually, for example, when the player model is tucked in glitched terrain, open up the console and type the command "respawn." Be aware that respawning counts as suicide and incurs a long respawn timer. Only use respawning as your last option or when specifically requested by your Squad Leader.

Respawning, whether dying through the respawn command or dying, will cause the dead players' bodies to despawn.

Respawning at a Main will result in your ammo being fully reloaded. Choosing an FOB or Rally Point as a spawn point will result in no ammo change from when you died due to the persistent ammunition mechanics.

Spawn Menu[ | ]

Team / Squad tab Role tab Spawn / Chat Tab Map
Team tab Role tab
Spawn and Chat Tab

Here is what you do with the different tabs:

  • In the Team tab, you can choose which squad you want to play for. You can also join, create or leave a squad in your team.
  • In the Role tab you select a role/kit.
  • In the Role Quick Select you can quickly see which Roles are free and usable.
  • In the Spawn / Chat Tab you can see which spawns are usable, and you can Chat with All / Team / Squad.
  • The map is used to spawn and see an overview of the battlefield situation.
