Squad Wiki
Operation First Light
OP First Light minimap V6
 Size  1430 x 1430 m (2 km²)
 Theater  N/A
 Location  N/A
 More  N/A

Operation First Light (Russian: oперація перший світло; operatsiya pershyy svitlo) is one of the Maps available in the game Squad. Operation First Light is set in an Eastern European map, with terrain covered in dense forests and fog. This map is mostly infantry based combat. The limited vehicles in play serve only to supply FOBs or provide limited fire support as the dense forests limit their effectiveness and allow them to be ambushed from any side. There are, however, a few places where a well positioned vehicle can slaughter Infantry that are not careful. The map is not so large as to necessitate the use of vehicles for transportation. The fighting consists mostly of close-quarters or mid-range firefights in the urban areas or in the forests.


The following is a compilation of tactics and general knowledge acquired through player experience with this map.

  • On the AAS V1 version of this map, the Irregular Militia will sometimes rush the Rail Docks point in order to delay the US team. The Militia need to use Technicals to do this, so keep your ears open for their engine sounds. Don't treat it as a throwaway first capture and keep your attention to the north for an enemy assault.
  • The Storage Site is a critical capture point and is often rushed by the American team in order to secure it quickly (they have a somewhat shorter route to it). The Militia should attack from multiple sides at once, get in close quickly and clear the structures as fast as possible. The militia should not have all of their Squads attacking from the same side.
  • The large forests that encircle the map make it very easy for a small team of soldiers to out flank and then back cap an enemy control point relatively easily. Always leave a Squad at your defense point to ensure its security
  • This map is fairly small. As a result, one poorly placed FOB can make it impossible to place good ones where they need to be. Make sure your FOBs are placed strategically, with a mind to where other ones may need to be placed in the future.


AAS v1


  • Nilrem Village
  • Rail Docks
  • Railroad Village
  • Storage Site
  • The Castle
US Army
Vehicle Amount Capacity Respawn Time Ticket Value
M1151 HMMVW 1 5 6.0min 8
M1151 HMMVW CROWS 1 4 6.0min 12
M939 Logistics Truck 1 4 3.0min 6
Irregular Militia
Vehicle Amount Capacity Respawn Time Ticket Value
BRDM-2 1 3 5.0min 12
Technical .50 Cal 1 5 4.0min 4
Technical Reinforced .50 Cal 1 5 4.0min 4
Technical SPG9 0 5 8.0min 8
Technical Transport 1 9 3.0min 3
Technical Logistics 2 5 3.0min 3

Conquest v1


  • Alpha
  • Bravo
  • Charlie
  • Delta
  • Echo
US Army
Vehicle Amount Capacity Respawn Time Ticket Value
M1151 HMMVW 1 5 6.0min 8
M1151 HMMVW CROWS 1 4 6.0min 12
M939 Transport Truck 1 18 3.0min 6
M939 Logistics Truck 1 4 3.0min 6
Russian Ground Forces
Vehicle Amount Capacity Respawn Time Ticket Value
BTR-80 1 13 6.0min 20
MT-LBM 6M 1 19 6.0min 8
Ural 4320 Logistics Truck 1 4 3.0min 6


  • Operation First Light was formerly a vegetation test map called Forest.

See also
