Squad Wiki

There are a number of commands that can be executed on a running dedicated server while being in-game. With these commands you can control how the server runs.

There are commands that a available to all player, even public players - those commands are called public commands. All other commands require the player to be assigned a specific access level by a server administrator.

In order to enter a command, you have to open the console. On an English keyboard you access the console by double tapping the ` (tilde) key on your keyboard. If this does not work for you, an easy workaround is to press the AllChat key J on your keyboard and then press backspace and remove the current command "ChatToAll" - now you have the console open and ready to use. You can repeat old commands in the console by pressing the cursor key. With the cursor keys you can also scroll through your command history and execute it with Enter.

Admin Access Levels

The following table lists the existing access levels. Please note that all players have access to the public commands; there is no access level for public commands.

Access levels need to be assigned to individual users - see section "Adding Admins in Admins.cfg" for more details on this. Only the server administrators of the dedicated server in question can set these and they will only apply to this server.

Level Description
changemap Map commands
canseeadminchat This group can see the admin chat
balance This group can switch teams regardless of team sizes
pause Match commands
cheat Access to some cheat commands
private Set server private
chat Admin chat
kick kick commands
ban ban commands
config Set server configuration
immunity Cannot be kicked or banned
manageserver Manage server / kill server
cameraman Spectate players
featuretest Debug commands like Vehicle Spawner
forceteamchange Allows forced team changes
reserve Reserved slot access
demos Record demo's (currently broken)
debug Debug commands
teamchange Change teams without penalty

Admin Console Commands

Difference between <NameOrSteamId> and "<BanLength>":

When it says "<TextToEntry>" you're supposed to put said text in " " When it says <TextToEntry> you're supposed to free text it.

Check AdminKick for further details.

Admin Command Access Description
AdminKick kick AdminKick <NameOrSteamId> <KickReason> (Kicks a player from the server)

Example: Adminkick Guemi Intentional TK

This command will kick the player Guemi with the reason Intentional TK. Notice how nickname is inside quotation marks but reason is free text.

AdminKickById kick AdminKickById <PlayerId> <KickReason> (Kicks a player with Id from the server)

Example : AdminKickById 75 Camping enemy uncapable

This command will kick the player with the ID 75 with the reason "Camping enemy uncapable". Check ListPlayers command for how to find ID.

AdminBan ban AdminBan <NameOrSteamId> <BanLength> <BanReason> (Bans a player from the server for a length of time.  0 = Perm, 1d = 1 Day, 1M = 1 Month, etc)

Example : Adminban Hodor 1M Attacking main base

This command will banned Hodor for one month and kick him with the reason stated.

AdminBanById ban AdminBanById <PlayerId> <BanLength> <BanReason> (Bans player with Id from the server for length of time. 0 = Perm, 1d = 1 Day, 1M = 1 Month, etc)

Example : AdminBanById 75 1M Attacking main base

Same process here, but with player ID. For people with "weird" names. Check ListPlayers command for how to find ID.

AdminBroadcast chat AdminBroadcast <Message> (Send system message to all players on the server)

Example : AdminBroadcast Always apologize for TK's!

Sends a broadcast with red text in the center upper part of the screen to all players. Which admins sends the command is also shown.

ChatToAdmin chat ChatToAdmin <Message> (Send system message to all admins on the server)

Same as all the other chats, but only admins see it.

AdminRestartMatch pause AdminRestartMatch (Tell the server to restart the match)
AdminEndMatch pause AdminEndMatch (Tell the server to immediately end the match)
AdminPauseMatch pause AdminPauseMatch (Tell the server to put the match on hold)
AdminUnpauseMatch pause AdminUnpauseMatch (Tell the server to take off the hold)
AdminKillServer manageserver AdminKillServer <Force 0/1> (Tells the server to stop execution)
AdminChangeMap changemap AdminChangeMap <MapName> (Change the map and travel to it immediately)
AdminSetNextMap changemap AdminSetNextMap <MapName> (Set the next map to travel to after this match ends)
AdminSetMaxNumPlayers config AdminSetMaxNumPlayers <NumPlayers> (Set the maximum number of players for this server)
AdminSetNumReservedSlots config AdminSetNumReservedSlots <NumReserved> (Set the number of reserved player slots)
AdminSetServerPassword private AdminSetServerPassword <Password> (Set the password for a server or use "" to remove it)
AdminSlomo cheat AdminSlomo <TimeDilation> (Set the clock speed on the server 0.1 is 10% of normal speed 2.0 is twice the normal speed)
AdminStats debug AdminStats (Retrieve stats from the server)
AdminForceTeamChangeById forceteamchange AdminForceTeamChangeById <PlayerId> (Changes a player with a certain id's team)
AdminForceTeamChange forceteamchange AdminForceTeamChange <NameOrSteamId> (Changes a player's team)
AdminAlwaysValidPlacement cheat AdminAlwaysValidPlacement <alwaysValid> (Sets the server to ignore placement rules for deployables)
AdminDisableVehicleClaiming cheat AdminDisableVehicleClaiming <0/1> (Set the server to disable vehicle claiming)
AdminAllKitsAvailable cheat AdminAllKitsAvailable <Valid> (Sets the server to ignore kit restrictions)
AdminNetTestStart debug AdminNetTestStart (Starts the network test and prints it to the clients logs)
AdminNetTestStop debug AdminNetTestStop (Stops the network test)
AdminDemoPlay demos AdminDemoPlay <FileName> (Plays back the demo recording, must have file from server)
AdminDemoRec demos AdminDemoRec <FileName> (Records gameplay, you must run this first)
AdminDemoStop demos AdminDemoStop (Stops recording and saves the demo to disk)
AdminListDisconnectedPlayers kick AdminListDisconnectedPlayers (List recently disconnected player ids with associated player name and SteamId (Max. 15))
TraceViewToggle FeatureTest TraceViewToggle (Runs a trace from center of screen out to any objects and displays information about that object)
AdminCreateVehicle FeatureTest AdminCreateVehicle allows you to spawn a vehicle on an unlicensed servers or on a local server (see VEHICLE SPAWN COMMANDS for more info)

Public Commands

Command Description
ListPlayers ListPlayers (List player ids with associated player name and SteamId)

Use the player ID (not steamid) with AdminKickById or AdminBanByID.

ListCommands ListCommands (Prints out the information for all commands in the game.)
ShowCommandInfo ShowCommandInfo (Print out the details of a particular command)
ShowNextMap ShowNextMap (Ask the server what the next map is)
Respawn Respawn (Causes the player to commit suicide)
ChangeTeams ChangeTeams (Change teams to the other side)
LeaveSquad LeaveSquad (Leave the squad we are currently in)
ApproveVehicleClaim ApproveVehicleClaim (As a squad leader, tries to approve a vehicle clain made by a squad member attempting to enter a vehicle)
Chat Chat "<Message>" <ChatType=All|Team|Squad> (Broadcast chat message)
ChatToAll ChatToAll <Msg> (Chat to everyone)
ChatToTeam ChatToTeam <Msg> (Chat only to same team)
ChatToSquad ChatToSquad <Msg> (Chat only to same squad)
DisableHudWidgets DisableHudWidgets (Removes all widgets on the HUD)
DisableUI DisableUI (Removes the UI components from the screen)
Stat FPS Stat FPS (Draw frame rate on screen)
Stat Unit Stat Unit (Draws game, draw, and gpu times on screen)
HighResShot HighResShot <Resolution/Multiplier> (take a screen shot, e.g., "HighResShot 3840x2160" or "HighResShot 4")
r.SetRes r.SetRes <Resolution> (change screen resolution, "r.setres 1920x1080f")
Disconnect Disconnect (Disconnects from server)

Spectator Camera

The spectator camera (often also called "admin camera" or "admin cam"), a semi-free movement camera, is a very useful feature for clans and tournament hosts or if you want to have full camera control when recording gameplay videos of Squad.

You need to have access level "cameraman" in order to use the camera. There is one exception: on Firing Range all players can use the camera.

While in the camera, you soldier character will be invisible. When you exit the camera, you spawn your character model at the camera's current position (beware of heights - you die from high falls).

If you want to record pure gameplay footage without any HUD elements, you can use the public commands "DisableUI" and "DisableHudWidgets" or the screen shot mode.

If you want to watch from both team's sides, you will have to switch teams to see the other side.

OWI is constantly improving and adding functionality to the spectator camera, however please be aware of some known bugs and problems:

  • Very rarely when exiting the camera you get glitched. In this case you will need to suicide to respawn.
  • While seated in a vehicle do not enter the spectator camera.
  • If, after exiting the camera, your character arms do not move, you will need to suicide to respawn.
  • If you switch teams twice without leaving the camera you sometimes will completely glitch out and need to restart Squad.
  • If you use player stencils without having HUDViews turned on, the outlines will ghost.

The following table shows all available controls of the spectator camera. All controls only work if you have the spectator camera turned on.

Control Description
Shift + P Turn spectator camera on/off
w, a, s, d Move camera
Space Go Up
CTRL Go Down
Scroll Wheel (default) Forward: Increase movement speed

Backwards: Decrease movement speed

Left-ALT Immediately stop the camera movement
mouse Pan camera
press 1

then use Scroll Wheel

Change movement speed (default)
press 2

then use Scroll Wheel

Changes Field of View (FOV)
press 3

then use Scroll Wheel

changes focal distance of Depth of Field (DOF)
press 4

then use Scroll Wheel

changes DOF blur size
F Turn DOF on/off
6 Turn CaptureZones overlay on/off (grids visually show the capture zones)
7 Turn player stencils (outlines) on/off
8 Toogle HUDViews between the following states: ALL/FRIENDLY/ENEMY/OFF.

Upward triangle means alive, downward triangle means incapacitated or dead.

9 Turn player nametags on/off

Vehicle Spawn Commands

You can use copy & paste from the wiki straight into the console in Squad, so you don't have to type the command out manually. You can also repeat old commands by pressing the cursor key in the console.

If you get the message "Invalid Class! (Did you forget the '_c'?)", you have misspelt or gotten some additional characters into your command. Try again. Review your command in the console history - this might help you spot your typo.

Please note, you can ONLY spawn vehicles on unlicensed servers with the featuretest admin permissions or on a local server.

If you want to look up the command for a completely new vehicle, you have to use the Squad SDK and follow these instructions:

  • Start the Squad SDK
  • Look under the 'Content' folder (Content/Vehicles), each vehicle has its own folder. Each variant will have a Blueprint, right click on this and select 'copy reference' (see image below).
  • This will give you a string. Example: Blueprint'/Game/Vehicles/BRDM-2/BP_BRDM-2_RUS_Desert.BP_BRDM-2_RUS_Desert'
  • Change this string into a Squad in-game console command by adding "_c" at the end. Example: AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BRDM-2/BP_BRDM-2_RUS_Desert.BP_BRDM-2_RUS_Desert_c
  • Test the spawn command in the Shooting Range.
  • Add the command to the tables below.

UE Vehicle Spawn Command

Minsk Motorbike

Vehicle Command
Minsk Motorbike Red AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Minsk_motorbike/BP_Minsk.BP_minsk_c
Minsk Motorbike Black AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Minsk_motorbike/BP_Minsk_black.BP_Minsk_black_c
Minsk Motorbike Blue AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Minsk_motorbike/BP_Minsk_blue.BP_Minsk_blue_c
Minsk Motorbike Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Minsk_motorbike/BP_Minsk_green.BP_Minsk_green_c


Vehicle Command
Technical Transport Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Transport_INS.BP_Technical_Transport_INS_c
Technical DShK Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Dshk_INS.BP_Technical_Dshk_INS_c
Technical DShK Shielded Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Dshk_Shielded_INS.BP_Technical_Dshk_Shielded_INS_c
Technical DShK Shielded Armoured Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Dshk_INS_Armoured.BP_Technical_Dshk_INS_Armoured_c
Technical Logi Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Logi_INS.BP_Technical_Logi_INS_c
Technical SPG9 Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_SPG9_INS.BP_Technical_SPG9_INS_c
Technical SPG9 Armoured Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_SPG9_INS_Armoured.BP_Technical_SPG9_INS_Armoured_c
Technical UB32 Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_UB32_INS.BP_Technical_UB32_INS_c
Technical Transport Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Transport_MIL.BP_Technical_Transport_MIL_c
Technical DShK Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Dshk_MIL.BP_Technical_Dshk_MIL_c
Technical DShK Shielded Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Dshk_Shielded_MIL.BP_Technical_Dshk_Shielded_MIL_c
Technical Logi Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_Logi_MIL.BP_Technical_Logi_MIL_c
Technical SPG9 Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_SPG9_MIL.BP_Technical_SPG9_MIL_c
Technical UB32 Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Technical/BP_Technical_UB32_MIL.BP_Technical_UB32_MIL_c


Vehicle Command
M-ATV Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MATV/BP_MATV.BP_MATV_c
M-ATV Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MATV/BP_MATV_Woodland.BP_MATV_Woodland_c
M-ATV CROWS Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MATV/BP_MATV_CROWS.BP_MATV_CROWS_c
M-ATV CROWS Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MATV/BP_MATV_CROWS_Woodland.BP_MATV_CROWS_Woodland_c


Vehicle Command
BTR-80 Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BTR80/BP_BTR80_RUS_Desert.BP_BTR80_RUS_Desert_c
BTR-80 Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BTR80/BP_BTR80_RUS.BP_BTR80_RUS_c
BTR-80 Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BTR80/BP_BTR80_Militia.BP_BTR80_Militia_c


Vehicle Command
BTR-82A Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BTR80/82A/BP_BTR82A_RUS_Desert.BP_BTR82A_RUS_Desert_c
BTR-82A Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BTR80/82A/BP_BTR82A_RUS.BP_BTR82A_RUS_c


Vehicle Command
URAL 375D Transport Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375.BP_Ural_375_c
URAL 375D Transport Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_Desert.BP_Ural_375_Desert_c
URAL 375D Transport Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_Green.BP_Ural_375_Green_c
URAL 375D Logi Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_Logi.BP_Ural_375_Logi_c
URAL 375D Logi Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_Logi_INS.BP_Ural_375_Logi_INS_c
URAL 375D Logi Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_Logi_Desert.BP_Ural_375_Logi_Desert_c
URAL 375D Logi Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_Logi_Green.BP_Ural_375_Logi_Green_c
URAL 375D ZU23 Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_ZU23_MIL.BP_Ural_375_ZU23_MIL_C
URAL 375D ZU23 Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural375/BP_Ural_375_ZU23.BP_Ural_375_ZU23_C

URAL 4320

Vehicle Command
URAL 4320 Transport Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural4320/BP_Ural_4320_Desert.BP_Ural_4320_Desert_c
URAL 4320 Transport Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural4320/BP_Ural_4320.BP_Ural_4320_c
URAL 4320 Logi Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural4320/BP_Ural_4320_logi_Desert.BP_Ural_4320_logi_Desert_c
URAL 4320 Logi Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/Ural4320/BP_Ural_4320_logi.BP_Ural_4320_logi_c


Vehicle Command
M939 Transport Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/US_Util_Truck/BP_US_Util_Desert.BP_US_Util_Desert_c
M939 Transport Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/US_Util_Truck/BP_US_Util_Woodland.BP_US_Util_Woodland_c
M939 Logi Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/US_Util_Truck/BP_US_Util_Desert_Logi.BP_US_Util_Desert_Logi_c
M939 Logi Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/US_Util_Truck/BP_US_Util_Woodland_Logi.BP_US_Util_Woodland_Logi_c


Vehicle Command
Stryker CROWS Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/M1126/BP_M1126.BP_M1126_c
Stryker CROWS Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/M1126/BP_M1126_Woodland.BP_M1126_Woodland_c


Vehicle Command
MT-LB Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLB_VMK_RUS_Desert.BP_MTLB_VMK_RUS_Desert_c
MT-LB Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLB_VMK_RUS.BP_MTLB_VMK_RUS_c
MTL-BM 6MA Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLBM_6MA_RUS_Desert.BP_MTLBM_6MA_RUS_Desert_c
MTL-BM 6MA Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLBM_6MA_RUS.BP_MTLBM_6MA_RUS_c
MTL-BM 6MB Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLBM_6MB_RUS_Desert.BP_MTLBM_6MB_RUS_Desert_c
MTL-BM 6MB Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLBM_6MB_RUS.BP_MTLBM_6MB_RUS_c
MT-LB Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLB_VMK_MIL.BP_MTLB_VMK_MIL_c
MT-LB Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLB_INS.BP_MTLB_INS_c
MT-LBM 6MB Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLBM_6MB_MIL.BP_MTLBM_6MB_MIL_c
MT-LB ZU23-2 Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLB_ZU23_MIL.BP_MTLB_ZU23_MIL_c
MT-LB ZU23-2 Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/MTLB/BP_MTLB_ZU23_INS.BP_MTLB_ZU23_INS_c


Vehicle Command
BRDM-2 Militia AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BRDM-2/BP_BRDM-2.BP_BRDM-2_c
BRDM-2 Insurgents AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BRDM-2/BP_BRDM-2_Insurgents.BP_BRDM-2_Insurgents_c
BRDM-2 Russian Desert AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BRDM-2/BP_BRDM-2_RUS_Desert.BP_BRDM-2_RUS_Desert_c
BRDM-2 Russian Green AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BRDM-2/BP_BRDM-2_RUS.BP_BRDM-2_RUS_c


Vehicle Command
M2A3 Bradley Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/BFV/BP_BFV.BP_BFV_c
M2A3 Bradley Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/BFV/BP_BFV_Woodland.BP_BFV_Woodland_c


Vehicle Command
FV510 Warrior Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/FV510/BP_FV510.BP_FV510_c
FV510 Warrior Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/FV510/BP_FV510_Woodland.BP_FV510_Woodland_c
FV510 Warrior (Up-Armoured) Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/FV510/BP_FV510UA.BP_FV510UA_c
FV510 Warrior (Up-Armoured) Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/FV510/BP_FV510UA_Woodland.BP_FV510UA_Woodland_c


Vehicle Command
FV432 Bulldog Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/FV432/BP_FV432.BP_FV432_c
FV432 Bulldog Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /Game/Vehicles/FV432/BP_FV432_woodland.BP_FV432_woodland_c


Vehicle Command
MAN Transport Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/British_Util_Truck/BP_Brit_Util_Truck.BP_Brit_Util_Truck_c
MAN Transport Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/British_Util_Truck/BP_Brit_Util_Truck_Woodland.BP_Brit_Util_Truck_Woodland_c
MAN Logi Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/British_Util_Truck/BP_Brit_Util_Truck_Logi.BP_Brit_Util_Truck_Logi_c
MAN Logi Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/British_Util_Truck/BP_Brit_Util_Truck_Logi_Woodland.BP_Brit_Util_Truck_Logi_Woodland_c

M1 Abrams

Vehicle Command
M1 Abrams Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/M1A2/BP_M1A2.BP_M1A2_c
M1 Abrams Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/M1A2/BP_M1A2_woodland.BP_M1A2_woodland_c


Vehicle Command
T-72B3 Desert AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/T72B3/BP_T72B3_Desert.BP_T72B3_Desert_c
T-72B3 Woodland AdminCreateVehicle /game/vehicles/T72B3/BP_T72B3.BP_T72B3_c